November 11, 2011


actually, i don't get the feeling to keep me writing again after all.

October 27, 2011

Back here again!

hello there. Its been long, right?

Well, yeah, there are so much memories, too many stories to be told until today. But yet, I don't feel to write them in words now. Maybe next time.

Okay then, may we live our life to the fullest.

September 19, 2011

memo dari LBCD -

Azlan Azman
as salam..selepas perbincangan dengan ahli2 lembaga besr club dungeons, telah diputus kan bbrapa nama y akn dibawa ke johor utk mnyambung perjuangan ke karisma nnti..antaranye:
1) azlan azman
2) akil (Kyo Keisuke)
3) kuyin (Muhammad Azrin Razli)
4) pue (Mat Puer)
5) shahir (GemSy Naim)
6) zuhair (Ahmad Zuhair Nasruddin)
7) rain (Rain Toink Toink)
8) koyie (Wan Aie)
9) player chendering sowg (ak lupa nama)
10) ezam (Muhammad Ezamirul Haikal)

dan ad lagi 2 slot kosong bg player2 BARU y msih dalam pemerhatian..diharap calon2 ini dpt mmberikn komitmen dalam stiap aktiviti dungeons sbgai prsiapan ke karisma.dan sy memohon maaf kepada y tidk berjaya, usaha gigh anda smua amat kami hargai..diharap pada masa akan dtg, anda smua cuba lagi..=)

yang menurut perintah,

(azlan azman)

kenangan di KARISMA yg lepas

p/s: semoga KARISMA tahun ini membawa lebih tuah buat kami, Dungeons seperti tahun-tahun yg sebelumnya. together we're fighting, DUNGEONS!!!!

September 18, 2011

Writing To Reach You

Every day I wake up and it's Sunday
Whatever's in my head won't go away
The radio is playing all the usual
What's a Wonderwall anyway?

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
Cause I'm writing to reach you now but
I might never reach you
Only want to teach you
About you
But that's not you

It's good to know that you are home for Christmas
It's good to know that you are doing well
It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting
It's good to know I'm feeling not so well

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
Cause I'm writing to reach you now but
I might never reach you
Only want to teach you
About you
But that's not you
And you know it's true
But that won't do

Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday
And whatever's in my head should go away
But still the radio keeps playing all the usual
And what's a Wonderwall anyway?

Because my inside is outside
My right side's on the left side
Cause I'm writing to reach you now but
I might never reach you
Only want to teach you
About you
But that's not you
And you know it's true
But that won't do
And you know it's you
I'm talking to


September 02, 2011


August 18, 2011

dreams or daydreaming, both was adorable.

Lately, i keep thinking about my beautiful past. Its not like I'm the one who want to keep thinking of it, it was just come into my dreams.

And it was good, I mean, I like it cause the happy moment in there, even the reality is not really good. Definitely nice, nice dreams anyway. But it gave a wound in the heart too.

It probably great if i'm still asleep. yeah for the sake of freaking good things, who the hell on earth didn't want that? Just let the dreams roll, and who knows the things will turn out that way. Me, I will be happy enough. But it would never be that way perhaps. It was nobody fault. I couldn't point anyone, maybe after all it is me, myself.

But the thing is, i really miss your smile at me, a smile, just that. How the hell could i do to get that beautiful smiles again?

August 07, 2011

alangkah bahagianya jika. . . . .

susahnya untuk berubah, berubah ke arah sesuatu kebaikan.

masaalah yang paling sukar adalah untuk meninggalkan semua benda yang menjadi isi dan darah dalam hidup sehari-hari. It is such a pain to leave all those things yang kita suka, dan yang telah sebati dalam diri ini even benda tu bukan yang termasuk dalam golongan dosa-dosa besar pun.

alangkah bahagianya jika berubah itu semudah abc

alangkah bahagianya jika berubah itu senang macam online Fesbuk 24 jam.

alangkah bahagianya jika aku dapat berubah, berubah ke arah yang lebih mengenali penciptaku.

kerana hidup di dunia itu sekejap, hidup akhirat itu selama-lamanya.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berilah hidayah kepada hamba-Mu yang lemah ini. Kerana sepanjang usiaku ini, dengan bekalanku tidak akan mampu aku menghampiri Syurga-Mu itu.

August 06, 2011

are we sure?

the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th.

are we sure bila kita mati tiada apa yang nak dikesalkan jika sudah menikmati semua keseronokan dan kesenangan di dunia? alfa leka sampai lupa pada KEMUDIAN hari. adakah sempat untuk kita berubah?

the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th.

malang sekali jika begitu. ya Allah, aku mohon keampunan daripada-Mu.

July 31, 2011

welcome again dear Ramadhan

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan bulan mulia, selamat berpuasa dan selamat menjalani ibadah kepada-Nya. Moga aku dapat menggunakan sebaiknya peluang di bulan yang mulia ini.

July 29, 2011

Love is Dead

Nothing ever goes right
Nothing really flows in my life
No one really cares if no one ever shares my care
People push by with fear in their eyes in my life

Love is dead, love is dead

The telephone rings, but no one ever thinks to speak to me
The traffic speeds by, but no one's ever stopped too late
Intelligent friends don't care in the end, believe me

Love is dead, love is dead

And plastic people with imaginary smiles
Exchanging secrets at the back of their minds
Plastic people
Plastic people

Nothing ever goes right
Nothing really flows in my life
No one really cares if this horror's inside my head

People push by with fear in their eyes in my life

Love is dead, love is dead
Love is dead, love is dead
Love is dead, love is dead

And all the lies that you've given us
And all the things things that you said

And all the lies that you've given us...
Blow like wind in my head.

copyright from Suede - Love is Dead

July 22, 2011

beautiful smiles of you

by any chances, do I deserves a smile like this?

not at all, perhaps.

but to tell the truth,its nice to see a smile like that even if its not for me.

p/s: I like to see Ha Ni (playfull kiss) smilling. She looks cute with her sincere smiles. haha..

July 20, 2011

on your own,

Tell me what you've seen.
Was it a dream? Was I in it?
Life seems so obscene until it's over.
Who knows?

All I want is someone who can fill the hole in the life I know.
In between life and death, when there's nothing left, do you wanna know?

You come in on your own and you leave on your own,
Forget the lovers you've known and your friends on the road.

Tell me if it's true, that I need you, you are changing.
I've seen this world before down on this floor... It is hurting me.

All I want is someone who can fill the hole in the life I know.
In between life and death, when there's nothing left, do you wanna know?

You come in on your own and you leave on your own,
Forget the lovers you've known and your friends on the road.
You come in on your own and you leave on your own,
Forget the lovers you've known and your friends you have told.

Lies... I've gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Lies... I've gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Yeah, I'm coming in on my own.
I'm coming in on my own.
I'm coming in on my own.
I've... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
I've... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Ooo... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Ahh... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Ohh... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.

copyright from On Your Own by The Verve

my stomach is full of LOVE?

oh whats with the title above? Me, myself get confused too..huhh

Hello peps..frankly speaking, for the umpteenth time, she ignored me again. But never mind that, 'cause I do care about her. Fair la kan.

Aihh forget about that, peps. A single word in here doesn't change a thing out there.

Well here's the midnight story.

I was with my friends back then, enjoying cimcum at Food Village, PC, KB. This was my 2nd time being there, for this short midsem break. It was totally out of my mind. But to think that again, I was unable to control my diet for these past few weeks. Asyik makan, makan, makan je. Unfortunately, badan x naik-naik.
Why huh?

Or did it by any chances have something to do with G6PD?? Well I don't know much about that, should ask a doctor perhaps.

Hello doc, how are you??


Well it seems that there is no responses. I guess I should be on my own. haha

So, I should say that tonight was great. As one of my friend said "Nie baru sero cuti"..

Yeah I agreed with him, every moments filled with happiness. With friends on our side.


July 19, 2011

cleaning out my mind

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.”

(Al-Hujuraat : 12)

Ertinya : Mengapa di waktu kamu mendengar berita bohong itu orang-orang mukminin dan mukminat tidak bersangka baik terhadap diri mereka sendiri, dan (mengapa tidak) berkata: ""Ini adalah suatu berita bohong yang nyata.
( An-Nur : 12 )

aku tidak mahu bersangka buruk terhadap sesama hambaMu apatah lagi terhadap hamba-hambaMu yang amat aku kasihi.

jauhkanlah kami daripada sifat-sifat buruk itu Ya Allah. Ameen.

July 18, 2011

a fool such as I

hello myself.

I keeps thinking about this matter and at last, I've come with a fact, a conclusion. A pretty bad one. Sad for me, huh?

"Do I looks stupid?"

Well yeah, after all I guess so. No, I mean I didn't actually looks stupid, but I'm kinda stupid at some certain things.

But at this one little thing, I was very proud for being numb. Even it seems that I was really numb.

Oh how fool I am *sigh*

July 17, 2011

well i couldn't say anything

its been a while buddy
a long one
a tough one too

do i changed a lot dear?
am i?

i don't think so sunshine.
it must be you sun,
but where have all your brightness gone?

weird huh?
me too..but i don't know why.
but that's not the point.

back to the old days, when everything were great.
yeah, everything were great.

now, everything's just fine.
no more great, just fine.
yeah sunshine, just fine.

tomorrow never knows.
hope it brings happiness, another great days.
well yeah, another great days.

June 30, 2011

forever smile

for the past few years i was smiling, and for the rest of my life i will.

oh Lord, please..
put a smile upon my face.

cos i wanna be happy, always.

tears, go away
fears, fade away

Funeral, I hope my time will come when
all is gone,
When all the violins play the saddest songs
My love for you will rise up and sing

so I sit by your side
although you're not with me
when I comfort you, when I come to you

and like always, right here by your side

June 18, 2011

i'm the sickman

peace be upon you, sunshine.

well, its been long.
Now I'm injured again.
Didn't i say that i was an active athlete? Well yeah, that suits me well.
2 more weeks to recover back.
Ain't it great, sunshine?

June 03, 2011


I've got to tell you my tale
Of how I loved and how I failed
I hope you understand
These feelings should not be in the man

June 02, 2011

harder and harder to breath.

Well I'm now at home. I'm back here even it's only a week there. Don't misunderstanding it mates, I'm not being fucking homesick. I'm well trained for that. Its just because I want to be here, with some old friends. Have some laughter before some tears, cos you wouldn't know how it would be soon.

But mates, the very first week was really a busy one. I was tired for fixing the course plan and my course timetable. I could imagine that this time, it would be too tough. Fucking tough ever than I thought before.
Engineering, you really got me!

May 28, 2011

Final year student.


I now pronounce myself as a successful final year student. Yeah, perhaps a successful one. Me, didn't have a lot to say but wahh, this was too fast. I was like "Pejam celik, pejam celik dah nak grad kot". I couldn't imagine how would I look like when the graduation day. haha. It would be really a great memory.

Ahh, its too early to start dreamin'. I should get my brain working well from now on. Now is not the time to play around again. Too much playing for the past few semesters. Oh what a waste of time. But, to regret now is nothing. All I have to do is do my best for this final year. Fighting! Yeahh..haha. But back then, I'm afraid of something that I know too well. It's me, myself. I gotta find a cure for me soon. But I wonder, what it is??

kicking with the band; kick out the jamm !

Jamming session for the last, but not least. Today was perfect.

Okay, now we moves back a few hours before this. So time-machine, please do your work.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It is 8.45 p.m. right now. I wondering where are my friend now. His rule is to rockin' the bass.

"Oi Yopt, duk mano dh?"

"Otw dh nie"

"owh, okay"

He fetch me around 9 p.m. The jamming session will start about 30 minutes after this, I mean we must be there before 9.30 p.m. We need to be hurry cause the place is quite far from our house. But, damn it. The traffics is really bad. With a number of traffic lights, we will surely be late. I take my mobile phone and then,

"Alo we, mu g bowok Alim nge Basit dlu lah. Udin jgk. Aku otw dah nie, tp jale jemm. Kiro jupo sano terus r"

"Ouh, ok xdop hal lahh. Jupo sano"

"Ok, bereh we"

I ends the call. All the names listed up there are my bandmates. Well I meet them a few years ago after SPM. They're really good friends.

Okay, back to the story.
After all the hard works, we are here at the studio. We are 10 minutes late, but it's okay. All the members are here. So, what are we waiting for? Lets rock!

Let me introduces the line-up.

Basit - guitarist;
Udin - guitarist;
Alim - drummer;
Puyopth - bassist;
Matwe - vocal;
Me - vocal;

The very first song that we cover is Sonnet. The song was from the Verve. And I'm on the vocals. It feels nostalgic cause the song was played when I was at SMACH in Annual Dinner when I was in SPM year. Although it's not me who sang that song back then. haha.

Second song. It Matwe's turn. We cover I Believes In Miracles by the Ramones. It is a great song, it gets me to dance with the flow.

Next, Matwe continues his job. We cover Transmission by Jot Division. Post punk. Really great tune.

It's my turn now. I continues with You Only Live Once by the Strokes. An American band with British style of music. How I adore Julian. He's great.

Then, the next song to be cover is You Have Killed Me by Morrissey. This song is a must. I feels very enjoy when singing this song. haha

The last song from me is Almost Ready by Dinosaur Jr. It's tune is awesome, that is Dinosaur Jr.

Time moves fast, it's only one song left to covers. An hour seems too short. We all covers I Believes In Miracles by Ramones again. This time, Matwe and I both on vocals. Rock n roll can't never dies!! That is truly enjoyable. You wouldn't know until you feel it yourself, pal.

Huhh, my throat needs water. haaha. So, we all hang out at a restaurant on the way back home. And now, I'm here in my room. End of a good day, for today.

May 26, 2011

the way I look

Today was a big day. Well then, cause I've got my hair short. Really short, I mean. People need to change right? So, I'm changing the way I look first. It ain't big matters. Although I really love my hair very much. Ha Ha

From something kinda like this, a little bit >

to something like this, kinda

but now, it was just like this

wahh, I take back my words. This really big matters, pal.

May 25, 2011

well said, sorry

frankly speaking, I felt really sorry for myself for I cannot continue to complete the I'm Not There story.

It takes a long time to think of an idea to write a story. I adore the novelist on how they could write something that was freakin' awesome.
Plus, I don't have an enough spirit to continue doing this. After all, it's me.

You know pal, you'll feel fucking tired when you do something that's totally not worth it. When it comes to that, you'll say to yourself, "Man, what have I done? What have I been doing all these past years?". Then you'll realize that you're losing something that is fucking important. The only things that can't be replaced or buy. It's TIME. After all, you have waste your fucking time, pal.

I've experienced it once already pal. Actually, it's more then once. And I don't wanna have that kind of feelings again. Not again, never.

May 21, 2011

down memory lane

well yeah, dah lama tak rasa hostel life..haha..tertunai jugak hajat aku lepas bermalam selama lebih kurang 4 hari 3 malam stay di sekolah pujaanku Sains Machang..

Buat apa stay kt sana??

well, apa lagi..main basketball lahh..haha..

sambil-sambil tu ajar adik-adik yang tengah meningkat naik nie untuk main basketball.. girls and boys.. yeahh, two thumbs up for them, they're really nice..

wahh rindu zaman-zaman seluar bootcut hijau dulu~~~

haih =.="

May 14, 2011

I'M NOT THERE - the girl's story

She's blood, flesh and bone
no tucks or silicone
She's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound
but somehow I can't believe
that anything should happen
I know where I belong
and nothing's gonna happen, yeah.

Cause she's so high, high above me, she's so lovely.
She's so high, like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc or Aphrodite
Do, do, do, do do
She's so high, high above me.

A first class and fancy free,
she's high society,
she's got the best of everything.
What could a guy like me ever really offer?
She's perfect as she can be,
why should I even bother --- Aha

Cause she's so high, high above me, she's so lovely
she's so high, like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc or Aphrodite
Do, do, do, do do
she's so high, high above me

She comes to speak to me,
I freeze immediately,
cause what she says sounds so unreal,
Somehow I can't believe,
that anything should happen
I know where I belong
and nothing's gonna happen, yeah yeah yeah

Cause she's so high, high above me, she's so lovely
she's so high, like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc or Aphrodite
Oh yeah yeah yeah
she's so high, high above me.

-SHE'S SO HIGH(above me) by Tal Bachman

There's nothing to tell about this girl except that she's nice and kind. She also famous among her friends. Naka fells for her for a reason that Naka also didn't knows. But there are a thing that he notices. She got many secret admires, perhaps. That because she is adorable. It is hard for Naka because he knows that he will lose in the first place 'cause he got nothing compared to others. He is a charmless man. Pity him. But that won't stop Naka from be friend with that girl. So, Naka makes his first moves. A move that changes everything. Goodluck Naka!

May 12, 2011

hampir benar..

teringat aku masa baru nie..masa tengah sibuk-sibuk nak final exam, sempat lagi kitorang main tilik-tilik nasib nie, guna daun terup lak tu..kalaulah kantoi dgn pak guard, maunya kata kitorang main judi..mampoihh..

nie ada la sorang member aku nie tilik nasib dia memang perghhh ahh..bukan aku nak percaya, wallahuallam lah tu dia tilik macam mana tp tilikannya tu memang hampir 90%tepat..aku tak tipu sbb aku yang kena tilik..dan beberapa org lagi yang memvolunteerkan diri untuk ditilik oleh beliau. kebiasaannya, topik utama tilikan adalah melibatkan 'awek' yang si 'kena tilik' nie suka..tak hairanlah kan? kitew kan remaja..hehe..

dan setelah melalui beberapa persoalan, tilikan pun bermula..dgn mengunakan daun terup.. sehelai demi sehelai daun digunakan untuk menjawab soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan oleh yang ditilik..dan setiap kad itu mempunyai isi atau maksud yang tersendiri..

aku ialah salah seorang mangsanya, dan ternyata hampir semua yang diberitahu oleh kawan aku tu memang terlalu hampir dgn realiti yg terjadi..90% hampir tepat, dan mungkin 10% lagi tu tersilap percaturan..malangnya kisah aku yg dia tilik tak lah menyedapkan halwa telinga ini..semua bnda yg aku x mau dgr..ak buat muka toya sambil2 sengih ikhlas sambil mengajukan soalan-soalan membunuh..siyes, aku tak percaya pun, tp lama-lama, sikit-sikit bnda tu hampir menjadi seperti yg beliau cakapkan ..mak aii, terer bangat beliau....

p/s : don't ever believe it..kalau betul pun, kebetulan je tu.

i don't love anyone

I don't love anyone
You're not listening
You're playing with something
You're playing with yourself

I don't love anyone
You're not listening even now
You're playing with something
You're playing with someone else

If there's one thing that I learned when I was a child
It's to take a hiding

I don't love anything
No, not even .........
Especially not that
I don't love anything

I don't love anyone
Well, maybe my sister
Maybe my baby brother too, yeah
I don't love anyone

If there's one thing that I learned when I was still a child
It's to take a hiding, yeah
If there's one thing that I learned when I was still a child
It's to be alone

If there's one thing that I learned when I was still a child
It's to take a hiding, yeah

Out in the street today
The kids are out playing, having fun
Well, I pass them by I'm not a kid, no
I don't love anyone

I met a man today
And he told me something pretty strange
There's always somebody saying something
He said, "The world was as soft as lace."

But I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone
I don't love anyone

If there's one thing that I learned when I was still a child
It's to take a hiding

the same old song

You know you're in love when you start to fell for those stupid love songs..

aahhh forget it, cut the crap.

Straight to the point, i don't feel like it gonna works out. Why does i starts to feel weird? I am wondering alone, searching for an unknown reality. Me, really wasn't sure about the answers. I don't even figured it out yet. I was thinking like what is the best options? To know or not to know?? There was no sign, and i was unable to guess anything. ahh really, I don't like myself be in this such situation. Someone please help me, i'm hanging upside down right now.

Plus, anywhere, any times, any places it was like 'LOVE, LOVE, LOVE'. Everything is love. Your plastic loves.

Look, stop bullshitting yourselves. Maybe you've got the right lover but man, you're really annoying me and making me jealous too. So, go play anywhere else next time. shushh shuhh!!

Forgive me man. I've past.

Learn everything from the pass right? Well, the past is history.

THE PAST IS MEMORY. The good, the bad or both. Just appreciate it all.

May 11, 2011

May 10, 2011

JET - Bruises

Can't live inside of a dream
I can't live inside of a dream
I'm changing my mind next week
I'm changing my mind next week
Bruises up my arms and strange love
Who the hell am I?
I want to tell you everything
I can't make up my mind

Living inside of a dream
I'm living inside of a dream
And everything's nothing I need
This I don't believe
The bells of Birmingham are ringing
And who the hell am I?
I want to tell you everything
I can't make up my mind

i'm gonna say sorry

She holds a grudge
Like no other woman
I ever met before
Yeah there are some tears
Then after, it's like a million years
Well she comes around
But I can't tell
If she let herself be held

I gotta do something, sometimes

In my life
I'm gonna say sorry
Before I die

When, I?m alone
Well I don't feel
I think too much
Well I don't know enough
No ones right all the time

I gotta do something, sometimes

In my life
Im gonna say sorry before I die
Baby Im sorry
So sorry
I apologise

Babe when I hold you
Then you will know
You're my woman

Believe me it is the only way
Don't leave me hear what I say
Yeah carry me back home
Back home

For once
In my life
Im sorry
I apologise
Babe please don't tell me
That all you see is black
And when I hold you
Then you will know
You're my woman

talking to myself again

Frankly speaking, aku terasa hati dengan kau. Aku memang terasa hati sangat-sangat dengan kau. Again, sangat-sangat.

Harap-haraplah kau faham.
Tak faham juga? Aku okay je. Lantaklah.

Aku marah?? Ehh mana ada..Apa sebab aku nak marah kat kau..Kau pun tak pernah marah kat aku kann.

Aku touching?? Ye la, memang patut pun. Aku bukan tunggul kayu, aku nie manusia jugak. So, tak pelik la kan manusia nie touching sebab nama pun manusia, confirm la ada perasaan.

Sebab?? aigoo..haih,kau tak tau betul-betul ke kau buat-buat tak tau nie? Aku malas la nak cakap pnjang lebar. Aku dah letih berperang setiap masa bagai nak gila nie. Aku dah isi pun borang nak resign. Tengah tunggu masa yang sangat-sangat sesuai nak submit je nie pun. Sebab ianya tak berbaloi la kawan, it's not worth it.

Harap-harap kau faham la kawan. Aku tau kau sebenarnya bukan begitu. Aku percaya kau. Kita kan kawan. Anyway, Godbless u fren.

May 09, 2011

Naka's Story

Normal life. That will be the best word to describe him. Naka is an ordinary people. He likes to hanging out with friends and all other things that young people do. But, while enjoying, he is still remember to follow his religion's rule. Naka isn't great in his study. Maybe he always playing around. He have many friends, but only one person that is truly close to him. He's Eki. Compared to Naka, Eki is a smart boy. Eki is famous among their friends because of his knowledge. Both of them really close together since their first meeting when their age were up to double digits. For Naka, Eki is like his brother. They're always support each other comes hell or high water. It's just like they share the same bloodlines. Eki always be the person that Naka asks for advices. Naka tells Eki about the girl he loves. And Eki, always be a good listener. Unfortunately, after a few years, both of them split up because of something unavoidable. But, their friendship remains strong. Naka couldn't accept that and he was truly sad for losing his real bestfriend. He feels like he was losing his other half. No one would be there when he want an accompany. No one will ever listen to his problem again. All his never-ending love is keep deep inside his heart without letting anyone knows about it. Love, life, all the things were never works out for Naka. Pity him.

But I've been sailing down this river alone
And I'm still trying to find my way back home
But I don't believe in magic
Life is automatic
But I don't mind being on my own
Said that I don't mind being on my own

May 08, 2011

storytelling: I'M NOT THERE (cont)

His name is Naka. He always have a sense of humor in his action. Maybe, that's why he got many friends beside him. His life is really joyful, with nothings to worry about. Naka loves sports, as he loves something beautiful for his ears. He lives normally until one day, the day that he found a girl from his village too. There's one thing that is special about Naka. Only a few of his friends is girls, the others is boys. So, Naka is pretty awkward to communicate with a girl. Day by day, week by week passed, Naka felt something was wrong with him. He don't know what and why, but he keeps thinking of that girl. Perhaps, that was called love in a first sight. Naka for the very first time in his life, loves someone. Lucky him.

yeah i’m seeing
a whole nother world in my mind
girl im feeling
i’m breathing in love all the time

you turn me on, love’s like a bomb, blowing my mind
you turn me on, love’s like a bomb, blowing my mind

He promised to himself if he accidentally seeing that girl, he would greet her. Day comes and go, he have not seeing her for a while. But until one day, when he's walking alone, he realize that he is heading towards that girl. He say to himself "Man, this is the chance!". But really, he screws that chance away just by smiling to that girl. His mouth couldn't ever speak one word. And after all, he just get one smile from her. But a very sincere one. Definitely, it would be enough for Naka for a while.

To Be Continued.