July 31, 2011

welcome again dear Ramadhan

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan bulan mulia, selamat berpuasa dan selamat menjalani ibadah kepada-Nya. Moga aku dapat menggunakan sebaiknya peluang di bulan yang mulia ini.

July 29, 2011

Love is Dead

Nothing ever goes right
Nothing really flows in my life
No one really cares if no one ever shares my care
People push by with fear in their eyes in my life

Love is dead, love is dead

The telephone rings, but no one ever thinks to speak to me
The traffic speeds by, but no one's ever stopped too late
Intelligent friends don't care in the end, believe me

Love is dead, love is dead

And plastic people with imaginary smiles
Exchanging secrets at the back of their minds
Plastic people
Plastic people

Nothing ever goes right
Nothing really flows in my life
No one really cares if this horror's inside my head

People push by with fear in their eyes in my life

Love is dead, love is dead
Love is dead, love is dead
Love is dead, love is dead

And all the lies that you've given us
And all the things things that you said

And all the lies that you've given us...
Blow like wind in my head.

copyright from Suede - Love is Dead

July 22, 2011

beautiful smiles of you

by any chances, do I deserves a smile like this?

not at all, perhaps.

but to tell the truth,its nice to see a smile like that even if its not for me.

p/s: I like to see Ha Ni (playfull kiss) smilling. She looks cute with her sincere smiles. haha..

July 20, 2011

on your own,

Tell me what you've seen.
Was it a dream? Was I in it?
Life seems so obscene until it's over.
Who knows?

All I want is someone who can fill the hole in the life I know.
In between life and death, when there's nothing left, do you wanna know?

You come in on your own and you leave on your own,
Forget the lovers you've known and your friends on the road.

Tell me if it's true, that I need you, you are changing.
I've seen this world before down on this floor... It is hurting me.

All I want is someone who can fill the hole in the life I know.
In between life and death, when there's nothing left, do you wanna know?

You come in on your own and you leave on your own,
Forget the lovers you've known and your friends on the road.
You come in on your own and you leave on your own,
Forget the lovers you've known and your friends you have told.

Lies... I've gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Lies... I've gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Yeah, I'm coming in on my own.
I'm coming in on my own.
I'm coming in on my own.
I've... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
I've... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Ooo... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Ahh... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.
Ohh... Gotta get rid of this hole inside.

copyright from On Your Own by The Verve

my stomach is full of LOVE?

oh whats with the title above? Me, myself get confused too..huhh

Hello peps..frankly speaking, for the umpteenth time, she ignored me again. But never mind that, 'cause I do care about her. Fair la kan.

Aihh forget about that, peps. A single word in here doesn't change a thing out there.

Well here's the midnight story.

I was with my friends back then, enjoying cimcum at Food Village, PC, KB. This was my 2nd time being there, for this short midsem break. It was totally out of my mind. But to think that again, I was unable to control my diet for these past few weeks. Asyik makan, makan, makan je. Unfortunately, badan x naik-naik.
Why huh?

Or did it by any chances have something to do with G6PD?? Well I don't know much about that, should ask a doctor perhaps.

Hello doc, how are you??


Well it seems that there is no responses. I guess I should be on my own. haha

So, I should say that tonight was great. As one of my friend said "Nie baru sero cuti"..

Yeah I agreed with him, every moments filled with happiness. With friends on our side.


July 19, 2011

cleaning out my mind

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.”

(Al-Hujuraat : 12)

Ertinya : Mengapa di waktu kamu mendengar berita bohong itu orang-orang mukminin dan mukminat tidak bersangka baik terhadap diri mereka sendiri, dan (mengapa tidak) berkata: ""Ini adalah suatu berita bohong yang nyata.
( An-Nur : 12 )

aku tidak mahu bersangka buruk terhadap sesama hambaMu apatah lagi terhadap hamba-hambaMu yang amat aku kasihi.

jauhkanlah kami daripada sifat-sifat buruk itu Ya Allah. Ameen.

July 18, 2011

a fool such as I

hello myself.

I keeps thinking about this matter and at last, I've come with a fact, a conclusion. A pretty bad one. Sad for me, huh?

"Do I looks stupid?"

Well yeah, after all I guess so. No, I mean I didn't actually looks stupid, but I'm kinda stupid at some certain things.

But at this one little thing, I was very proud for being numb. Even it seems that I was really numb.

Oh how fool I am *sigh*

July 17, 2011

well i couldn't say anything

its been a while buddy
a long one
a tough one too

do i changed a lot dear?
am i?

i don't think so sunshine.
it must be you sun,
but where have all your brightness gone?

weird huh?
me too..but i don't know why.
but that's not the point.

back to the old days, when everything were great.
yeah, everything were great.

now, everything's just fine.
no more great, just fine.
yeah sunshine, just fine.

tomorrow never knows.
hope it brings happiness, another great days.
well yeah, another great days.